The Harlem Clowns was an African American show team based in Chicago that toured the world during its several decades of existence from 1934 to 1983. The team was founded by Al "Runt" Pullins in 1934, when he left the Harlem Globetrotters, and founded a competitive team that he originally called the Harlem Globetrotters. Pullins changed the name of his team many times, changing the name to New York Globetrotters, then the Broadway Clowns, and then a few other name changes before settling on the Harlem Clowns.
Pullins toured with the Harlem Clowns for the next several decades barnstorming all over the United States, and in Canada, Mexico, and Asia. His team was one of the more successful Harlem Globetrotter knockoffs. Pullins kept the Harlem Clowns together until 1983, when he fell ill. Pullins died two years later. In 2010 the name Harlem Clowns was reborn by the Comedy King of Basketball LaMont "ShowBoat" Robinson, the team is touring today under the name of "ShowBoat" Robinson's Harlem Clowns. Visit them @